Annual Freshman Pizza Party!


The first annual freshman pizza party will be Friday, October 16th at 5:00 pm. Buy a ticket from me for $1. This ticket gets you into the varsity football game as well!

Also, the Math Lab is now open! If you're having some trouble in your math class, stop by 0 period, 9th period, or during your lunch and get some help. You can find the Math Lab in room 232.

YoungLife is taking a trip to Fright Fest on October 24th! Sign up at McDonalds on Thursday, October 15th from 3:00 - 4:00. Spots are limited. The cost for the bus is 12 dollars. You can pay the membership fee of 10 dollars then too! Go visit them to get more information!



The school will be administering the EXPLORE test to all freshman on Tuesday October 6th. Pre-gridding will be done in division on the 5th. Make sure that you get a good nights rest as well as a good breakfast the day before. There will be no food or drink allowed in the test rooms and limited break times.

The EXPLORE test is like a head start on the ACT. It is written by the same company that writes and administers the ACT. The test also lets you know if you are on track for college, helps you develop a plan for their high school curriculum, and helps you determine which subjects are most important in your ideal career.

We (teachers and counselors) will use your results to help build plans for your future. The EXPLORE test helps us determine what you know so that we can choose what best to learn next. Remember that on the EXPLORE test (just like the ACT) there is no penalty for guessing so you should do your best on every question. Blank answers will be marked as incorrect.

Welcome to Lane Tech!


Welcome to our blog. This space will serve as a major resource for you throughout your time at Lane. I will often post information about upcoming standardized tests, special dates, and even school events on this blog. It will behoove you to set up an RSS feed so that you will never miss a post or any valuable information.

To the right, you will notice several widgets. There is a school calendar which has school-wide events in Myrtle as well as division specific events in Gold! There is another widget that links to both the student and parent portals for IMPACT. You should use these links to check your grades. You can search for keywords in posts as well.

Below are some of the most important items you will need for the upcoming school year.

RSS Feeds: A Guide

RSS (most commonly translated as "Really Simple Syndication" but sometimes "Rich Site Summary") is a family of web feed formats used to publish frequently updated works—such as blog entries, news headlines, audio, and video—in a standardized format.[1] Setting up an RSS feed is very user friendly and allows a user to get notices of updates on their desktop, instead of habitually checking sites. Think of it like a subscription to a magazine. You don't have to go get the new issue, it's delivered to your door!

First, you will need a RSS feed reader. I recommend:

Once you have downloaded and installed the feed reader, you need to set up your feed. I will walk you through a setup with FeedReader3.

  1. With the program open, hit F3

  2. The screen that pops up will ask you for the address of the feed. Simply copy and paste the following url in the box:

  3. Click Ok.

That's it! Minimize FeedReader (but don't close it) and it will show an update every time I make a new post. Notice that there is a grey box in your system tray now. That is the FeedReader icon and it will turn orange any time there is a new post to read, if you happen to miss the pop-up.

Make sure that FeedReader is open every time you restart your computer or it won't be able to tell you when I make an update!

The following is a syndication option to help keep you updated on when I post!
